Camp Schedule


Ok, we know that it's only December and we have a lot of winter ahead of us, but Still Waters Camp is always on our minds. We love to think about how the Lord blessed us this past camp season, and look forward to what He is going to do for us in the future. Thoughts of the unexpectedly hard tug-o-war competitions, amazingly high blob launches, and spontaneous singing in the food tent make us smile from ear to ear. They are wonderful memories, and we are super anxious to make new ones!

We know you are under expectation to know what the Still Waters schedule will be, as this is usually when we post the future camps, but we are unable to announce the camp schedule at this time. Keep an eye on this site for the most up-to-date information.

We also want to take this opportunity to encourage every past camper, future camper, and too old to ever be a camper out there to keep up with your Quiet Time. Spending time with Him will prepare you for whatever you have to deal with every day. And as those who have already been to camp know, it will really prepare you for camp.

God bless you,
Young Foundations