Since the beginning of camp prep, I had it on my heart to give you a replication of the Sword of the King that Brother Branham was given when that great event happened at Sabino Canyon. As you can imagine, it was not an easy thing to come up with the design for the Sword of THE KING. We could only go by the description as Brother Branham described it on tape. But it was important to me and I knew the Lord would make a way. I didn't want something that was just a toy that would be played with, but something symbolic of that very special Sword.
Pulpit Rock, where the Sword of the King struck Brother Branham's hand.
I was working with a local brother here in Jeffersonville to come up with a design to make a letter opener in the shape of a sword. We know how Brother Branham said it had a handle of pearl, a hand guard of gold, and a blade about three feet long made of silver, so I told him to work in that direction, and do the best he could. The brother had worked up a prototype and sent it to me.
In the meantime, while at another brother's house in Tucson, I was sharing with him the subject of the Sword coming down into Brother Branham's hand. As we continued to talk, he shared with me a testimony how that Brother Branham had visited Brother and Sister Norman's house in Tucson. He was just visiting them and they ask him to pray for their daughter as she was sick. While walking out of the room after praying he looked upon the wall and saw the picture that looks exactly like the sword. He said, "You know, a sword that looked JUST LIKE THAT had been placed in my hand one time too." He was speaking about the Sword of the King!
The brother then showed me the picture of that same sword that was hanging up in Brother and Sister Norman's house. I couldn't believe my eyes! I quickly pulled up the prototype the brother had sent for the letter opener, from my emails. It was exactly like this one I was looking at in the picture! Praise the Lord! What a confirmation, He truly works on all ends!
I wanted to share this special testimony with you, which is only one of many we have seen through the process of preparing the packages you have received for this camp. I thought it was pretty neat that you could see what the actual Sword of THE KING looked like! Let this be a reminder that every time you see it, that this Message is THE WORD of this hour, sharper than a two-edged sword, and a discerner of the thoughts of the heart, and OUR ABSOLUTE.
God bless you,
Brother Joseph